Parchem Fine & Specialty Chemicals Leadership Attends the 2012 Annual NECA Meeting in New York City

by James Oliverio
Publish: December 14 2012

The Northeastern Chemical Association (NECA) held its annual lunch meeting at the prestigious Pierre Hotel in New York City on Friday December 14th, 2012.  NECA’s mission is to leverage formal social networking within the petrochemical industry to support the education of future generations. 

The keynote address for this year’s NECA meeting was delivered by a top executive from Petrochemicals and Marine for Enterprises, a leading petrochemical company. Parchem’s Director of Specialty Chemicals Luigi Magliaro was joined by Patricia Turcan, General Manager of Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals, who noted that she was honored and rejuvenated by the unity of the petrochemical industry to host such an event.  After the event, Magliaro was quoted as saying “The keynote address sent a riveting message to all of us in the industry about the importance of succession  planning for our young to continue the legacy that NECA has established.” 

Parchem fine & specialty chemicals is a leading global distributor that has been serving the personal care, nutrition, petrochemical, and specialty chemical markets for over 20 years.  Parchem’s advanced technology is the hallmark of its success and ability to manage the complexity of sourcing novel raw materials without compromising accuracy, timing, and budget.

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