Parchem supplies Caffeine to the Food & Pharma Industries

by James Oliverio
Publish: May 14 2013

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Caffeine molecular structureCaffeine [CAS #: 58-08-2] is a white, crystalline organic compound with a bitter taste.  Caffeine has many applications in the food and pharmaceutical markets where it is used as an additive and stimulant.  Caffeine can be naturally extracted from a variety of plants and seeds including coffee beans, tea leaves, and kola nuts.  Although the natural sources of caffeine are familiar (e.g. coffee), the primary commercial source of caffeine is synthetic production.  Commercial caffeine production is focused primarily in China, Korea, and Germany; due to Parchem’s strategic partnerships, we are able to offer competitively priced caffeine for the food and pharma markets here in the US.

Caffeine is considered a stimulant and it is commonly added to sodas and energy drinks to promote alertness.  Additionally, it is occasionally added to certain food and pharmaceutical products such as energy supplements and energy bars.  Caffeine is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug, with annual consumption estimated at 120,000 tons per year.  Many people around the world consume caffeine every day in the form of coffee, but the prevalence of synthetic caffeine sources such as energy drinks are becoming more and more prevalent.

Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals is the premier supplier of pharmaceutical actives and food additives such as caffeine.  Our commitment to quality is the hallmark of our success, beginning with our pledge to customer satisfaction at every step of the chemical supply process. 

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