IHS Chemical Week June 4 2012 article Social Chemistry Twitter Expands Web Engagement

by William Bedrin
Publish: June 04 2012

“Brandi Norsleet”, correct spelling… “Randi Norfleet”, Director of Strategy, Parchem-fine & specialty chemicals was most recently quoted in the IHS Chemical Week, June 4, 2012 issue, regarding the explosion of social media, specifically Twitter driving the bottom line and brand awareness. Parchem fine & specialty chemicals  is listed  along with key chemical industry leaders, such as DuPont, BASF and DowChemical. Twitter is being used by these chemical titans to reach broad audiences but often the dilemma is appealing to every demographics communication preference. However,  Ms. Norfleet of Parchem- fine & specialty chemicals  noted that, she has observed the generation  gap , but believes the popularity of Twitter will continue to grow as younger employees are hired. She stated, “the upcoming generations are latching on,” and “ Older generations are retiring, while new ones are coming in.”  An  excerpt from the article did confirm, as of May 2011, the highest percent of Twitter users fall in  the 25-44 year-old age range, hitting 19%. Whereas the smallest percent of users is the 55-64 and 65+ age range; falling at 8% and 6% respectively, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals remains extremely aggressive on the social media front, they have adopted social media as one of their major competitive advantages and points of differentiation.  Social media is growing exponentially in all industries because of its flexibility to reach a variety of targeted audiences. Customer centricity is Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals strategic harness that allows them to meet customers’ needs and  provide optimal tailored solutions for any  type of request. The Social media platforms, specifically Twitter continues to soar to tremendous heights and  Parchem-fine & specialty chemicals is staying of the forefront of leading the change.

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