Parchem - fine and specialty chemicals celebrates Labor Day

by William Bedrin
Publish: August 29 2014

Labor Day is historically a day of rest or people’s last opportunity to go away before the summer ends. For students, it’s their last chance to socialize before school starts up again. In some communities, people host family and friend gatherings in the park, attend sport events and even organize firework displays.  However, at Parchem Labor Day began with a spectacular company event– a barbecue right on the company’s side yard.  The food was prepared, grilled and organized by the employees, who consistently demonstrate their cooking expertise. Dishes ranged from grilled burgers and hotdogs to the staff’s signature guacamole. All hands were on deck to make this another successful team event and kick off this most enjoyable end of summer holiday.

Parchem values holiday events to continue the spirit of team building which is an integral part of its culture.  At the foundation of every successful company are its people, and Parchem is proud to have such an innovative and dynamic team of professionals. 

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