On April 4th, 2012, Reggie Roy, Technical Marketing Specialist, and Randi Norfleet, Director of Strategy, represented Parchem-fine & specialty chemicals at the illustrious 2012 Pace Career Fair. They were welcomed by the Pace Career fair leadership, faculty and students. The atmosphere was charged with both excitement and talent. Over 200 students engaged employers from some of the most prominent corporations in America. Parchem was extremely fortunate to have Pace’s highly motivated and professionally prepared students express a profound interest in the company. The line for the Parchem table at one point was so lengthy, the interview screening process had to be accelerated. In all , it was a great day and Parchem was very pleased with the list of Pace candidates who would be of tremendous value to the growth of Parchem’s business and culture.
Reggie and Sue, Dir. Of Corporate Employee Relations will be featured.