Parchem Joins SOCMA in Membership

by Jacob Klein
Publish: October 29 2010


            Parchem - Fine and Specialty Chemicals recently became a member of the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA). SOCMA is a leading authority and is the only United States based association to be solely dedicated to the batch, custom, and specialty chemicals. SOCMA’s main focus is their members. Just shy of 100 years, SOCMA has been representing chemical companies of all sizes.
The maximization of commercial and networking opportunities and the increase in public confidence transpire through SOCMA’s programs. The association influences rational laws and regulations to be passed. SOCMA has expanded greatly over time and will continue to influence the industry by offering memberships to the most laudable companies in the chemical industry. Parchem - Fine & Specialty Chemicals is excited to be a part of SOCMA. SOCMA advocates for the chemical industry in a way that is environmentally sound, economically responsible, and with a dedication to the well-being of consumers, which aligns with Parchem’s guiding principles.
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