Parchem supplies Dibasic Esters 09-05-2014

by William Bedrin
Publish: September 05 2014

Parchem takes pride in supporting our customers  to ensure their products are delivered accurately, efficiently and timely. As a leading supplier of dibasic esters to the paints & coatings and industrial markets this is a critical supply chain management quality we have mastered. Parchem’s dibasic ester mixture is a blend of several dicarboxylic acid esters which contains 55-65% dimethyl glutarate (CAS 1119-40-0).

Dibasic esters from Parchem have a wide range of applications in the paints, coatings, resins, lubricants, solvents, and adhesives industries. Additionally, dibasic esters are sometimes utilized in specialty applications including the manufacture of products for soil stabilization, oilfield drilling fluids, and crop protection formulations.

Parchem is committed to developing lasting partnerships with the world’s leading chemical manufacturers.  We understand our customers’ industries and can proactively support them at all levels. This unique quality is a major point of differentiation that separates Parchem from the traditional supplier and sustains our competitive advantage.

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