Parchem Volunteers at HOPE Community Services 02-25-2015

by James Oliverio
Publish: February 25 2015 | Updated: October 04 2017

Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals is proud to actively support the efforts of HOPE (Help Our People Eat) Community Services, the local shelter and food kitchen for the New Rochelle community.  In keeping with our commitment to strengthen our community, Parchem sends volunteers each week to help out at the local HOPE food pantry where they will be packing, restocking, and distributing groceries to those in need. 

“Every time we volunteer at HOPE, I feel great about the work we’re doing” said Mike Wolf, Systems Engineer at Parchem.  “I’m reminded of the importance of helping out in our own community, and to see how much our neighbors appreciate the support coming from HOPE is really rewarding.” 

HOPE Community Services is a not-for-profit agency founded in 1984 in response to the hunger and homelessness in the city of New Rochelle.  With the support of volunteers from the community, HOPE was proud to open the doors of its first soup kitchen that same year.  HOPE now offers clothing, language skills development, emotional support, immigration services, and a number of other services to New Rochelle residents.

Parchem - fine & specialty chemicals has been a long-time supporter of HOPE Community Services as well as other local charities and organizations.  As a local business, Parchem believes in community outreach and building stronger relationships with our neighbors.  We look forward to continuing to work with HOPE and other outreach programs which support the betterment of communities across Westchester County, NY.

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